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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Photographer Jimmy Chin

National Geographic Live!

Photographer Jimmy Chin: Climbing Yosemite

One of the world's most sought-after expedition photographers reveals a new generation of daredevil climbers scaling the park's sheer rock faces.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Six steps to super-confidence

Shrug off your fears and step out of the shadows and into the limelight – you can fake it till you make it with a few simple tips, says Christine Fieldhouse
  • By Christine Fieldhouse, Friday magazine
  • Published: 09:27 November 18, 2012
Six steps to unshakable confidence
US hypnotist and author Kent Sayre was once painfully shy, but after discovering a series of tips to overcome a lack of confidence, he went on to write Unstoppable Confidence (McGraw-Hill). Here are some of his best pieces of advice.

1. Study confident people
Find a role model, a person with real self-belief and study their lives. If possible, buy their books, or CDs, go to their seminars or shows, or watch them play their sport. Once you’ve done your research, close your eyes and get an image of their speech, movement and behaviour. Then step into that vision and let it take you to five different situations, such as a job interview, or staying in a hotel alone, or making an entrance at a party. Then step out of the role model’s body and take your confidence with you.

2. Rewrite the past
Rather than beat yourself up about a diet that didn’t work, or a job you didn’t get, rewrite the past and give those experiences a more positive ending. Go back to a mistake and re-run it in your mind, stopping just before you made the mistake. Then imagine what the perfect ending could have been – maybe losing 6 kilograms or going out and meeting the man you were to marry. Replace the old ending with your new one and rerun it in your mind ten times.

3. Create a circle of confidence
Think back to a time when you felt confident and on top of the world, maybe your wedding day or the day you got some great exam results. Imagine a circle on the floor, noting its size and colour. When you step into the circle imagine your most confident moment. See what you saw at the time, hear the noises around you and feel that lovely confidence again. Adjust your body language to match your confidence, then walk around outside the circle.

4. Talk to yourself
When you talk to yourself, say “you” instead of “I” so your conscious mind can tell your unconscious mind what you want and how to behave. Stand tall in front of a mirror and say: “You are supremely confident”; “You go for what you want and you get it”; and “You are completely powerful.”

5. Amaze yourself!
Think of something so far outside your comfort zone that you would be amazed if you achieved it. It may be a skydive or a public-speaking engagement or an application for your dream job. You will start to believe that if you can skydive/speak in public/get your dream job, you can do anything and other challenges won’t seem so scary. Choose a big challenge and take immediate action towards making it happen.

6. Put yourself in the movies
Picture yourself at the height of your success – you may have thrown a huge fund-raising party or collected an award for new novelists or led a board meeting. See yourself bright and close-up on a big screen, add some sound or music and turn up the volume. Just before the success is yours, stop the film in your mind’s eye and ask why it is so important to you. Then restart the movie, jump back into your on-screen body and enjoy the pleasure. While you’re on that high, write down five immediate actions that would take you closer to your dream.

His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahayan


Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan , the principal driving force behind the formation of the United Arab Emirates, was the emir of Abu Dhabi emirate and first president of the UAE, a post which he held for over 30 years.  Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Founder of the UAE.

His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan served as President of the United Arab Emirates since the formation of the Federation on 2 December 1971 and as Ruler of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi since 1966.

Understanding the UAE is impossible without understanding the life of Sheikh Zayed and his deep religious faith, his vision, his determination and hard work, his generosity at home and abroad, and the way in which he devoted his life to the service of his people and the creation of a better world.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Our Earth Our Planet

How far is the Earth to the sun?
The distance ranges between about 91 million miles and 94.5 million miles. Interestingly, the seasons do not depend on the distance of earth to sun, instead on the tilt of the earth.

How big is the Earth?
The Earth is nearly 13,000 kilometres (km) wide. It's the largest terrestrial planet in the Solar System.  The Earth weighs 5,973,700,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms (kg). That's nearly 6 trillion trillion kg. That's a lot. But it's little compared with Jupiter ({insert weight}) and tiny compared with the Sun ({insert weight}) or other stars!

What is its surface like?
Earth is the planet we live on. It is the only planet in the Solar System with liquid water on its surface. It is also the only planet we know to have life on it. The Earth is the only planet we know to have living things on it. 


Monday, November 19, 2012

Dates… Is Food and Medicine كتاب التمر غذاء ودواء

كتاب التمر غذاء ودواء
يعد الكتاب مرجعًا شاملاً جامعًا لكل أنواع التمر وفوائده، حيث تقدم لنا المؤلفة أطباقًا شهية ومفيدة من الأكلات والمعجنات وقطع الحلوى الخاصة بالتمور لتزين بها موائدنا.
وكان نصب عين المؤلفة هو محاولتها أن تدخل التمور في مختلف الأكلات بما يلبي أذواق مختلف الأعمار صغارًا وكبارًا. وفق ميزان علمي ومنهجي.
وهو يختلف عما سبقه من كتب الطبخ لكونه يحمل فائدة عظيمة الأثر وطلاوة في الشرح والتقديم، وتبيان فوائد التمور ومكوناتها الغذائية الغنية، كما يشرح أنواع التمور في العراق والسعودية ودول الخليج العربي والمغرب العربي، مما يعد إسهاما فريدا من نوعه في هذا المجال، ويسد فراغا كبيرا في مكتبة الطبخ العربي.
تضمن الكتاب خمسة فصول، هي:
الفصل الأول : الحلويات
الفصل الثاني : أطباق الكيك
الفصل الثالث : المعجنات
الفصل الرابع : الحشوات
الفصل الخامس : استخدامات أخرى
كما يعرف بطرائق صناعة الدبس (عسل التمر) والخل، وأمور عديدة تخص صناعة التمر وفوائده الطبية.
الكتاب من تصميم وأخراج الفنان أور البصري.

Dates…  Is Food and Medicine
The book is a comprehensive reference inclusive for all kinds of dates and benefits.  The author offering us delicacies and useful dishes, pastries, candies.  The author is trying to enter dates in various dishes to meet the tastes of different ages, young and old.
This book is differs from what headed cookbooks for being carries great benefit impact.  The book demonstrate the benefits of dates and components rich food, explains types of dates in Iraq and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states and the Maghreb, which is a unique contribution of its kind in this area, and fills an important gap in the Arab cooking library.
Included five chapters of the book, are:
Chapter I: Desserts
Chapter II: Cake dishes
Chapter III: pastry
Chapter IV: fillings
Chapter V: Other Uses

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Soft lifestyle makes for soft bones

Women need to get out into the sun

  • By Mahmood Saberi Senior Reporter
  • Published: 21:30 October 17, 2012
If you are found to be predisposed to osteoporosis, regular exercise, proper diet and regular bone testing is essential, says Dr Abdul Rahim Al Suhaili.
Dubai: Lack of Vitamin D, no exercise and poor nutrition can make your bones weak, and one day as you accidentally hit against a wall or bump hard into something with your hip, the femur bone can crack. It sounds scary and it is.
“Normally, the impact of the car door or the elevator door hitting your shoulder should not break the leg or arm bone,” says Dr Abdul Rahim Al Suhaili, head of Nuclear Medicine, Dubai Hospital and Vice-Chairman of the Emirates Osteoporosis Society.
Foods to eat to beat osteoporosis
Milk, Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Eggs and White meat.

Vegetarians and their options:
Green, leafy vegetables, Fresh fruits, Beans and chickpeas, Broccoli, Yoghurt, Sweet potatoes, Almonds and Sesame seeds.

How many minutes of sun exposure on an average every day?:
Between 15 to 30 minutes of sun exposure every day.
Best times are between sunrise and 10 am and between 3 pm to 4 pm. The sunlight should be direct and not through glass as glass filters the ultra-violet rays which are essential for Vitamin D production. Your face, hands and upper arms and legs should be exposed to sunlight.

What are bones made of
Bones are made up of cells called osteoblast, which help form the bone and osteoclast, that help eat away old bone. “This process of making new bone and eating away old bone goes on till the age of 35,” he said. “It does not stop at puberty.”

What does osteoporosis mean?
Osteo in Latin means ‘bones’ and porosis is for ‘spongy’ or ‘porous’, explains the doctor.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


A faerie tale of romance, magic and danger

Laurel faces the fight of her life to save everything, and everyone, she loves. This is the final part of the extraordinary faerie tale which began in the bestselling novel WINGS described by Stephenie Meyer as 'a remarkable debut'. Laurel lived happily as an ordinary girl - until she discovered that she was a faerie. Since then her heart has been divided - Avalon or the human world? Safe reliable David or wild, charismatic Tamani? But now an enemy unlike any before, threatens Avalon and unless the faerie world can win out, there may be no choices left! An extraordinary faerie tale of magic and mystery, romance and danger.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Everlasting (Fiction)

Everlasting by Alyson Noel

Ever and Damon have loved and lost each  other for hundreds of years - facing deadly  enemies, dark secrets and a powerful curse.  Now their love will be tested to its limits.  Ever and Damon finally have their chance to discover their true destiny. The choice they're about to make will unite them - or tear them apart - forever.

‘Everlasting’ is the sixth and final instalment of the epic love story that has enchanted readers across the world. Ever and Damen have spent centuries facing down bitter rivals, jealous friends and their own worst fearsall in the hope of being together forever. Now in ‘Everlasting’, their destiny is finally within reach. Will they be united… or torn apart forever? Readers will finally discover the truth in this anxiously awaited conclusion!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Cook Book "Sohi Wa Sarih" صحي وسريع

 صحي وسريع - الجديد والموسّع

يأتي كتاب الطبخ العملي والشامل هذا كثمرة ثلاث سنوات من العمل الدؤوب حيث تمّ اختبار كلّ الوصفات على يد فريق عمل متخصص مؤلف من اكثر من عشرين شخصا. يتميّز كتاب "صحّي وسريع" الجديد باحتوائه على:

- 390 وصفة شهية من أطباق وحلويات لبنانية وعربية وعالمية، وأكثر من 300 صورة جميلة جدّاً.
- أطباق خفيفة الدسم تُناسب معظم الحميات الغذائيّة وكلّ الأعمار.

The Cook Book "Sohi Wa Sarih" featuring more than 390 recipes and 300 attractive pictures.

Monique’s new “Sohi Wa Sarih” cookbook comes as the fruit of 3 years of meticulous work, endless trials, editing and designing by a team of more than 20 persons. It:

- Features more than 390 recipes and 300 attractive pictures
- Includes delightful Arabic and international delicious dishes and desserts
- Comprises low-fat dishes that fit most diet programs and ages.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dance is a Dance

Dance is a Dance: English or Indian but what about when it’s merged together (don’t miss it)  
This dance performance was performed in Britains got talent Semi Final.
This dance is awesome and amazing!!!!...  It shows how much Indian dancing is incorporated into modern dance like Michael Jacksons dance! The thin guy super fun...he truly can imitate Michael Jackson, his moves really fantastic, the timing to the beat looks original and the Punjabi guy... can’t believe it how can he do this.
Watch this videos of them, the Performance was awesome!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Less is better, when it comes to salt

A simple measure that could go a long way in enhancing public health—limit salt intake to less than 1,500 mg or about three-fourths of a teaspoon each day—is the subject of an advisory to Americans.
The American Heart Association (AHA) has issued an advisory based on a thorough review of recent lab, animal, observational and clinical studies. This advisory is meant not only for people with medical conditions, but also for perfectly healthy people.

A limited salt intake would significantly reduce the risk of high blood pressure (BP), heart disease and stroke.

5 November 2012

Read the full article @ Khaleejtimes.com

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Shadowland (Fiction)

Title: Shadowland by Alyson Noël
Genre: Y/A, Romantic, Fantasy, Supernatural
Recommended for: Ages 17 and older

Ever and Damen have traveled through countless past lives and fought off the world’s darkest enemies so they could be together forever. But just as their long-awaited destiny is finally within reach, a powerful curse falls upon Damen…one that could destroy everything. Now a single touch of their hands or a soft brush of their lips could mean sudden death plunging Damen into a bleak afterlife in the Shadowland, an eternal abyss for lost souls. Desperate to break the curse and save Damen, Ever immerses herself in magick and gets help from an unexpected source…Jude Knight.

Although she and Jude have only just met, he feels startlingly familiar. Despite her fierce loyalty to Damen, Ever is drawn to Jude, a green-eyed golden boy with magical talents and a mysterious past. She’s always believed Damen to be her soul mate and one true love—and she still believes it to be true. But as Damen pulls away to save them from the darkness inhabiting his soul, Ever’s connection with Jude grows stronger—and tests her love for Damen like never before…”
The book is full of heartache, intrigues, and a heartbreaking love triangle. Ever thought she’d found her one true soulmate, but is challenged by her past, and Jude. As Roman continues his vicious game from ‘Blue Moon‘, Ever has to fight hard to keep her best friends and her beloved Damen.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Resistance (Fiction)

Book Description
The year is 2140. Peter and Anna are now living on the Outside as Legals. As an agent in the Underground, Peter is tasked with infiltrating Pincent Pharma Corporation and find out what's happening in the secret Longevity programme. Peter must feign a reconciliation and win the trust of his grandfather, Richard Pincent, one of the most powerful men on the planet, whose company, Pincent Pharma, is chasing the holy grail of modern science - a drug which will reverse ageing and make people look young again. But his grandfather has his own plans for Peter - plans which involve Peter and Anna signing the Declaration and endorsing Longevity+. Richard Pincent will stop at nothing to get what he wants, even if it means ripping Peter and Anna's new life apart. At the heart of the organisation he most despises, Peter stumbles across something more sinister than he could ever have imagined, as powerful forces are gathering to crush the young couple's dreams.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Book of Home Remedies,

مايو كلينك - كتاب العلاجات المنزلية جولي صليبا
يقدم هذا الكتاب للقارئ كل ما يجب فعله لمعالجة معظم المشاكل الصحية الشائعة؛ وهي معلومات موثوقة وعملية وسهلة الفهم عن العلاجات المنزلية وتأتي معظم هذه المعلومات من تجارب أطباء وعلماء مايو الألفين. فضلاً عن أنه مُكملاً لنصائح طبيبك الواجب استشارته في العلاجات المنزلية. يساعد هذا الكتاب في معالجة العديد من المشاكل الصحية بعلاجات بسيطة يمكن إعدادها في المنزل. وحتى لو لم تنجح إحدى الخطوات التي تتخذها في ظل المشكلة، فإنها لا شك ستخفف من الأعراض، وستتيح لك الفرصة لمتابعة حياتك اليومية، أو تساعدك على الأقل إلى أن تتمكن من زيارة طبيب. بعض العلاجات، مثل تغيير حميتك الغذائية لمعالجة حرقة المعدة، أو تكييف بيئتك المنزلية للتأقلم مع الألم المزمن، قد تبدو بديهية وقد تراودك أسئلة بشأن متى يجب اللجوء إلى استعمال الحرارة أو البرودة عند التعامل مع الإصابات، وبشأن ما يساعد على تخفيف الحكاك الناجم عن لدغة حشرة، أو ما إذا كانت أعشاب أو فيتامينات أو معادن معينة فعالة فعلاً في معالجة الزكام الشائع أو الأرق. سوف تعثر على أجوبة عن هذه الأسئلة، وعن غيرها في كتاب مايو كلينك "العلاجات المنزلية". أما في الحالات التي تطال صحتك أو صحة عائلتك، فتبرز الأسئلة نفسها مبدئياً: ما الخطوات التي أستطيع اتخاذها وتكون فورية وآمنة وفعالة؟ متى يجدر بي الاتصال بطبيبي؟ ما الأعراض التي تنذر بحالة طارئة؟ جميع هذه الأسئلة يجيب كتاب 'العلاجات المنزلية" عنها، ويحدد أسباب المرض وتأثيراته على صحتك، ويرشدك لاختيار العلاج الأكثر ملاءمة وفاعلية.

Mayo Clinic - Book of Home Remedies, by Julie Saliba.

This book provides the reader with everything must be done to address the most common health problems; which reliable information and practical and easy to understand for home remedies and Most of this information comes from the experiences of doctors and scientists May millennia. As well as it complements the advice of your doctor should be consulted in home remedies. This book helps in the treatment of many health problems simple treatments can be prepared at home. And even if it did not work one of the steps being taken in light of the problem, they no doubt would ease the symptoms, and will allow you the opportunity to follow up on your daily life, or at least help you to be able to visit a doctor. Some treatments, such as changing your diet to treat heartburn, or adapt your environment home to cope with chronic pain, it may seem intuitive has Traodk questions about when to resort to the use of heat or cold when dealing with injuries, and about what helps relieve itching caused by the bite of an insect , or whether herbs or vitamins or certain minerals actually effective in the treatment of the common cold or insomnia. You will find the answers to these questions, and others in the Mayo Clinic book "Home Remedies." In cases that affect your health or the health of your family, demonstrating the same questions of principle: What steps can be taken and be immediate, safe and effective? When should I call my doctor? What are the symptoms that warn of an emergency situation? All these questions answered book 'Home Remedies "them, and determine the causes of the disease and its effects on your health, and guides you to choose the most appropriate treatment and effective.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman

Snow White and the Huntsman: A Novel

A breathtaking new vision of a legendary tale. Snow White is the only person in the land fairer than the evil queen who is out to destroy her. But what the wicked ruler never imagined is that the young woman threatening her reign has been training in the art of war with a huntsman who was dispatched to kill her.
The novel is spectacular new vision of a legendary tale ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarves’. It is creatively re-told fairy tale with a different twist.   I was very fascinated reading it and was curious to know how it ends.

Snow White and the Huntsman: A DVD
Kristen Stewart puts a new spin on the titular character, turning Snow White from a fragile princess into a fearless leader in the re-imagining of this classic tale. Charlize Theron stars as the evil Queen Ravenna, Snow's jealous stepmother who employs a huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) to track Snow down. Her goal? To eat the girl's beating heart and achieve everlasting youth. The action sequences are top-notch, and Theron shines (literally, thanks to makeup), but a little more romance would have been nice. Extras include "A New Legend Is Born" featurette and director commentary.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Magical Performance (Water)

Dance India Dance Little Masters Dance ke Super Kids 9th Sept 2012 - Tanay

Superb performance done by Tanay  couldn't take of my eyes from his performance.  His act was very unique and fabulous and absolutely he was looking magical in this act..

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Cycle Your Way to Good Health

A new fitness studio offers fun-filled competitive rides on custom-made bikes in an indoor ‘stadium’
  • by sharmila dhal, senior reporter
  • Published: 18:46 October 10, 2012 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lovely and amazing Pets

Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. 
It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them.” 
John Grogan, Marley and Me: Life and Love With the World's Worst Dog

Watch this you will like it !!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Looking Down from Burj Khalifa

Looking Down from Dubai's Burj Khalifa (160 floor)
The world's tallest building is now open in Dubai.  Burj Khalifa is the tallest man-made structure & commercial building ever built located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Burj Khalifa stands at a whopping 828 m (2,717 ft) and is a part of the 2 sq kms flagship development named Downtown Burj Khalifa near Dubai’s main business district.



Photos by Mohammed Azeem Sayyed

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Baking Homemade Cupcakes

How to Make Homemade Cupcakes from Scratch

Recipe by Laura Vitale Laura

Tress tips for the UAE woman

Hair loss and ‘scarf hair’ can soon be problems of the past.
  By Yusra FarzanStaff Reporter
  Published: 17:00 October 5, 2012

• Always use a conditioner.
• Protect your hair from the sun with a hat or scarf.
• Use bottled water to wet your hair first before a shower.
• Trim your ends every 6 to 8 weeks.
• Hair is susceptible to changes in humidity so always use Pantene’s Oil Replacement therapy to keep hair supple.

Read the full article @ Gulf News.com

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Obese teenagers

Obese teenagers get boost from little exercise
(IANS) / 2 October 2012

Even a bit of exercise can deliver a mental health boost to obese teenagers, says a new study.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Shivasamudram Falls (Bangalore)

Shivasamudram Falls are around 140 km from the Garden City of Bangalore.  The first hydroelectric power plant in India was built here and the location is of historical interest. The best way to get there from Bangalore is by road. 

Location: 140 km from Bangalore, about two and half hours by taxi. 

Taken by Mariam Al Marri

Evening Moon in Sharjah


Taken by Mariam Al Marri

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Weighing heavy on young hearts

Obese children have a high risk of developing serious health problems. A nutritious diet and an active lifestyle can correct the situation

  • By Chiranti Sengupta Features Writer
  • Published: September 27, 2012 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Every day soups (Cook Book)

Every Day Soups book has over 300 step-by-step freshly made and tasty recipes for a healthy family with stunning photographs. The book starts with a summary of soup-making strategies, the preparation of stocks and different types of garnish.  This book is by Bridget Jones. 

Learn about Harees

Harees (Meat Or Chicken)

Harees is a rich, filling meal. Even though harees was once a traditional dish made at Arab homes, nowadays it can be found on the menu in any Arabic restaurant. Harees consists of small pieces of meat, cracked wheat and water. It is simple to prepare yet needs to be buried in an underground oven. The meat, wheat and water are cooked slowly in a large pot until the meat is completely tender. The ingredients are then blended together until it has a thick pasty consistency similar to porridge. This dish is eaten at any time but particularly during the holy month of Ramadan, at Eid and weddings.

To learn how to make Harees, watch this

Also to know more about UAEs traditional food, please visit this website:

The Arabic Alphabet

The Arabic alphabet or Arabic Abjad is the Arabic script as it is codified for writing the Arabic language. It is written from right to left, in a cursive style, and includes 28 letters.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Matar Paneer Recipe

Simple to make and delectable creamy curry that is hard to resist.

  • 1/4 kg paneer – cube and saute in a tsp of ghee till lightly browned
  • small cup fresh green peas
  • 1 large onion, finely chop
  • ginger-green chilli paste (1″ ginger piece+3 green chillis)
  • 2 tomatoes, finely chopped
  • 3/4 tsp red chilli pwd
  • pinch of turmeric pwd
  • 1 1/4 tsps coriander pwd
  • 1/2 tsp kasuri methi (dry fenugreek leaves)
  • pinch of garam masala pwd
  • 1 tsp Kitchen King masala pwd
  • 1 tsp malai, top of milk
  • salt to taste
  • 1 tbsp oil
  1. Heat oil in a cooking vessel, add the onions and sauté, approx 4-5 mts. Add ginger-green chilli paste, coriander pwd, turmeric pwd, red chilli pwd and combine. Add few tbsps water and saute for a mt.
  2. Add tomatoes and cook for 4-5 mts. Turn off heat and cool. Make a coarse paste.
  3. Return this paste to the vessel, add a cup of water and bring to a boil. Reduce flame, add the green peas and cook for 6 mts. Add the paneer and malai and simmer for 7-8 mts. Add salt. Simmer for a few more mts.
  4. Stir in malai, garam masala pwd, Kitchen King masala and kasuri methi and combine, cook for a mt. Turn off flame.
  5. Let it sit for a while before serving. The gravy thickens, so at the time of serving, add a little milk and combine. Serve hot with rotis or naan.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Three Strong Women: Novel/Fiction

Book Description

In this new novel, the first by a black woman ever to win the coveted Prix Goncourt, Marie NDiaye creates a luminous narrative triptych as harrowing as it is beautiful.

This is the story of three women who say no: Norah, a French-born lawyer who finds herself in Senegal, summoned by her estranged, tyrannical father to save another victim of his paternity; Fanta, who leaves a modest but contented life as a teacher in Dakar to follow her white boyfriend back to France, where his delusional depression and sense of failure poison everything; and Khady, a penniless widow put out by her husband’s family with nothing but the name of a distant cousin (the aforementioned Fanta) who lives in France, a place Khady can scarcely conceive of but toward which she must now take desperate flight.

With lyrical intensity, Marie NDiaye masterfully evokes the relentless denial of dignity, to say nothing of happiness, in these lives caught between Africa and Europe. We see with stunning emotional exactitude how ordinary women discover unimagined reserves of strength, even as their humanity is chipped away. Three Strong Women admits us to an immigrant experience rarely if ever examined in fiction, but even more into the depths of the suffering heart.